Wednesday, January 21, 2009

if, because or in spite of

A loooong time ago I traveled to Florida with my parents.  My dad spoke for a marriage night at my uncle's church and he said something I've held onto every since.  He advised the couples not to love on terms of "if" or "because" but "in spite of".  Best advice ever!

I can say I love Mario because he works hard or I will love Mario if he stays faithful to me but really if we evaluate Christ's love, which is based on grace, we find he loves us in spite of.  God knows we at some point or another will fail on terms of "if" and "because" so he loves us in spite of our imperfections, sin, rebellion, hypocrisy and broken promises.

Tonight I felt that kind of love.  One of my friends had a baby not too long ago.  She has a precious son and I visited tonight to help out with laundry, dishes and to just give her time to breath (and shower, haha).  She text me earlier and said does it ever get easier?  Ha, ha I thought.  I had literally been asking myself the same question today.

While helping out I realized wow, I wish I could love more like her.  Although I helped out around her house and she expressed much appreciation she displayed in spite of love.  She thanked me just for being there. It's been a long time since I have felt appreciated just for being Megan,  loved just for being  present, noticed for just listening and thanked for absolutely nothing (I really didn't do much but listen and be there).  Tonight I am thankful for feeling appreciated for being me and being reminded of "in spite of" love. 

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