Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Not exactly the landing we hoped for...

Today has been a pretty peaceful day. Dalen came to work with me and after a while of being pretty wild he was placed in his playpin to play with his toys. There was just something interested in the atmosphere...or I guess my "mother's intuition" was in overdrive.

You know that feeling that your little one is up to something? You have no concrete evidence but you just know. I felt like I had eyes in the other room. Dalen was quiet for sometime. I peeked in to check on him and he was looking up. His eyebrows were scrunched together as if he were deep in thought. Hmmm, he was doing nothing wrong. I just couldn't shake the feeling though.

After about 30 minutes of silence I began to hear clanging. It sounded like someone was eating. I began to picture the room he was in. There was china on the table not too far from his play pin, but far enough away that it was beyond his reach. I tiptoe to the room only to find Dalen munching on an imaginary cuisine and occaisonly sipping from a glass coffee mug. He finally saw me standing there in shock. Grinning from ear to ear he continued devouring his "meal".

How in the world did he get out of that playpin!!!??? There was only one way to find out. I put him back in the playpin and watched for a while. He then climbed up on his tonka truck, threw his left leg over the side of the playpin and lunged up, out and DOOOOWWWWNNN!!!

Yea not exactly the landing we hoped for but I now know he is capable of getting out and how. Oh gosh, lets hope he doesn't try this in his crib one night when we are asleep. Our poor house would be demolished, trashed, in wouldn't survive! I have his crash landing on video for Mario but I felt it would be not very nice to put it on here. Minutes later Dalen was still eating his meal. Needless to say it was plate lickin good.

PS- Anyone know of any playpins sold with lids?? ha, ha I am kidding

1 comment:

Shaw Avenue said...

looks delicious! too bad there isn't a door connecting our stores...we could just let our monsters play together all day!