Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This Is My Life

The hardest thing about posting this story was finding a title. I debated for a really long time. My choices were: Grandparents Are Unbelievable, My Son Must Have Been A Climbing Ape In His Former Life, My Baby Made Of Rubber, or This Is My Life. I came to the conclusion after reverting back to grade school remembering you pick the title most relateable to the story. This Is My Life would definitely be it.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Parent's Day Out was cancelled due to the treacherous and dangerous weather conditions (haha), work was steady but good and Dalen was in a fine mood. Dalen's latest trick is running behind the TV to unhook our TV antenna and Dvd player. The funny thing is I don't even know how to do this.

I guess my pride got in the way and while on the phone with my sister, Mel, I decided I would "try" to put the antenna back up to the TV b-c how dare a 1 year old know how to do something I don't. I rarely EVER have a fun one on one conversation with anyone because when Dalen is left to "play" unfortunate circumstances find themselves in the baby book and on my blog.

Distracted, I look up. I hear grunting and growling. Dalen is SWINGING from our curtain rod. No, I am not making this up. He is using his feet on our wall to gain leverage to climb higher. He got a rocking chair for Christmas that he is constantly standing in to see outside. First he would stand in the seat, then on the arm and then on the back of the chair. My only guess is he stood on the back of the chair and climbed onto our window ledge and climbed on the curtains from there.

Hesitant to say anything at all I make my way over to Dalen to get him down. A few steps before I do the curtain rod gives way. You know those scenes in movies where everything sounds like its drowning in the toilet and the producers play it in slow motion? Yea, that really happens folks. I always thought that was original but no. That was probably some mom's idea after a traumatic happening with their terrible toddler.

So I am watching as my curtains are falling and Dalen is slowly soaring south, head down. Unfortunately, his head met our window. Thankfully, he wasn't cut or decapitated but our poor window is ruined. Somehow in the midst of this Dalen landed on his butt.

He is then laying under the curtains. There is no movement, no sounds. Literally, I did not know what I was going to find under the curtains. I thought for sure he was knocked out, bleeding, in need of stitches. But no, not Dalen. I pull the curtains up to find him smiling with fishy faces.

If I have ever had a meltdown it was at that very moment. So Dalen went to his crib for a while, while I tried to salvage the curtain rod and window. I guess it needed a man's touch. It's now securely back on the wall (thanks to Mario) but our window will have to be replaced.

It took me a full day to muster up enough guts to tell my dad (we rent from him). If one of us girls would have damaged something from home out of pure rebellion...we would have been punished, yelled at, spanked and possibly grounded. But oh no according to my dad, "boys are supposed to climb." A new window should be underway by the end of this week. Wow, I wish I would have had that kind of grace growing up. Yep, grandparents are unbelievable.
Our busted window
A mom full of grace.

So maybe everyday isn't this crazy but just about. Last night dozing off to sleep I kept thinking of the events of the day and I came to the conclusion...this is my life. And I'm starting to kinda like it. Though crazy, I think I'm content...broken window and all.


lindsay rae said...

it's good to be content. :)

Daisy said...

You are such a good mommy Megan! I love hearing about how you react to Dalen's little antics, you really have such a good grip on things and have a fabulous way of describing your life. Your stories always make me smile. Hope to see you soon!