Friday night was date for Mario and I (thanks for the 1st Baptist crew that put on Parent's Night Out). We really hadn't planned anything in advance like we normally do, so we decided to catch a movie kind of last minute.
I think for the 1st time in my life I experienced culture shock. Although I haven't traveled too much I think culture shock must be what I was feeling. We normally catch matinees (b-c its cheaper and you have a better chance of having a theater to yourself, which is our favorite thing) but Friday, Premiere was swarming with preteen hormones, drama and clueless parents.
The 14 year old couple in front of us in the ticket line, were pairing up with their single parents who were also on a date. Literally Mario had to tell me to shut up I was gasping at their behavior so loudly. I just wanted to scream get your hormonal hands off of her! You are disgusting!
He would kiss her neck, she would giggle, then push him away and then he would smack her butt, IN FRONT OF HER MOM, who thought this behavior was humorous!!! Normally, I walk away from situations like that asking what is wrong with these kids but that night I walked away asking what is wrong with parents. On top of literally smelling an overflow of hormones in the air, I saw three girls get into a verbal altercation over an offensive text. Lets just say I hear a lot of 4 letter words.
And may I ask, what the deal is with 12 year old boys wearing skinny jeans for girls? I am sorry but the day I have and daughter who wants to date a boy who wears jeans more fitted than mine the answer is NO. I am all about fashion but guys, you can be fashionable without looking like us women. I must be old school but I personally think 12 is WAAAAY too young to be on an unsupervised date and to have a cell phone of your own! And for you moms that pull the "oh, my kids have a cell phone of their own in case something happens to them..." well, I think if you weren't constantly letting them run around the city with the freedom of an 18 year old you wouldn't worry about it so much b-c they would be with YOU!!!!
Sunday was the bridal show....very exciting. The most brides this show has ever had attended. THe booths were amazing and we made a lot of contacts including one I am still a little haunted by. I was approached by a young girl (prob. 20) who was covered in mood rings, snake rings, black hair and black eye liner an inch thick. She said her date was Halloween, her colors were "black, black, and more black", and she was having problems finding a wedding site because all of the places wouldn't approve her to have a ceremony in darkness. My, my, my the society we live in. What an eye opening weekend.
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
Oh I guarantee those were some of my students.... they are usually swarming at Premiere.
loooove the part about the halloween chick. in the dark?? that's so...creepy. did you not offer her a discount with fantastic cemetery view?? i'm sure i could come up with a wicked ghostly cake...
people are just weird.
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