Friday, January 30, 2009

Dirty Laundry

Though we may not admit it in detail, we all have or have had dirty laundry that we would rather not be aired (especially by someone else).  If you can imagine your past as dirty laundry; stained, wrinkled, smelly, and torn.  But at some point (hopefully) Christ stepped in and cleansed us from our unrighteousness (if you haven't had that happen, contact me I'd love to introduce you to my saviour).  

Unfortunately, when our laundry has been cleaned we fold it and put it away and for most of us that's exactly what we do with our pasts.  We minimize our sin and store it away in fear of man.  Because our culture is so advanced our clothes are dried in a dryer in 60 minutes or less.  However, with our spiritual lives we should let our once dirty laundry, air dry.  Why?  Because if we never testify of what God has done in our lives and show where he has brought us from we rob him of his glory.  

Did you know that salvation is only one step of a Christian life?  We often forget the second part and thats the word of our testimony.  We overcome staining our clean garments again, by His blood and our testimony.   So I encourage you, let your dirty laundry out of the drawer.  Testify of God's glorious works.  Show just how amazing his blood is.  I think you may be amazed to find yourself wondering why you no longer struggle with the strongholds that still so easily beset you.  

Allow me to encourage those who have received salvation.  Stay out of other people's drawers.  It is not your duty to air someone else's dirty laundry.  It is our responsibility to lead other's to the same cleansing flow, we once found.  By airing someone else's gruesome and sometimes traumatic past you are only adding more stains.  

His cleansing flow still cleanses.


lindsay rae said...

oh good heavens. i can't say "amen" enough to this blog.

Mario Hood said...

Good stuff, love it. I will never understand why people think they have the right to judge, when in fact they themselves have done and/or are doing the same thing. Thank God for GRACE!

Unknown said...

Good Stuff