Tuesday, January 19, 2010

15 More Days

Well, folks, here we are, all three of us. Dalen insisted he be in this picture too and I didn't decline. My mind is in overdrive and my body is in neutral. One thing I am just thanking God for is the beautiful weather the last two days! Yesterday, we were outside letting Dalen draw on the driveway with sidewalk chalk and it felt wonderful to be out soaking in some natural sunlight.

Let me inform you of where the Hood family is. The nursery is not painted and we don't even have a crib. (We decided to get a dresser over a crib since baby Cola has a playpen she will sleep in for a while.) Dalen has become more and more curious about human anatomy on a daily basis. (He recently pinched a friend's breast and told her, "My mom has ONE boob too". Hmm, not sure what people think when he says that behind my back but just in case he has told you this I can assure you I have two.) My car has an awful oil leak and we are in no financial position to get another one. My husband is job hunting. (long story) I have been so overwhelmed by the love and support of my friends recently. The 22nd is the last date night me and Mario will have as parents of one.

I just love the thought of being able to hold my precious baby girl soon but 15 days seems so far away. I know things will change a lot around here but right now I am trying to pace myself and enjoy the time that's left with things just the way they are.

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