Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Know You're Pregnant...

Here are my top ten ways of knowing your are pregnant...

You know you are pregnant when you fill your bathtub half full of water and by the time you are sitting in it, it's overflowing on the floor.

You know are pregnant when you pray for a report of swelling from your doctor just so you have an excuse for excessive weight gain.

You know you are pregnant when you fantasize about winning the lottery and the 1st thing you would pay for would be stretch mark laser removal.

You know you are pregnant when the ONLY thing that is keeping you from getting sweets from the bakery is their lack of a drive-thru.

You know you are pregnant when you wait for your toddler to go to bed before you bring out the leftover baby shower cupcakes JUST so you don't have to share.

You know you are pregnant when you are exhausted but can't sleep because you started dreaming of food and lay awake waiting for the dream to come true.

You know you are pregnant when you have no plans but eating and sleeping and if any come up they HAVE to revolve around meal time and your daily nap.

You know you are pregnant when you nap longer than your toddler and if you don't get that nap your are crankier than your toddler would be without his nap.

You know you are pregnant when you refuse to throw out bags of expired frozen vegetables b-c you are saving them for your aching boobs.

And last but not least you know you are pregnant when you have stopped counting the pounds and started counting the stretch marks-too bad the pounds can be lost but those darn stretch marks...they are just a whole different stubborn story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate to about...oh...ALL OF THESE! I am constantly hungry! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes good. Not much longer!