Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best Forgotten but Always Remembered

Well fellow bloggers, I much to catch you up on. Tuesday I went to the doctor for my now weekly appointment (that's when you know you are REALLY close!). I hadn't been feeling well but couldn't really explain what was going on. I love my doctor she is so thorough. My stomach was measuring "significantly smaller" than two weeks before. To make a long story short my amniotic fluid had dropped "on the low side of low" (yeah, that's exactly what they said) and it was making my stomach measure smaller.

So of course I had to have that dreaded exam to make sure I wasn't leaking fluid and to see if I was dilated. I am currently 2 1/2 cm. dilated and my doctor felt I was probably more dilated but didn't want to cause me to dilate more by bothering me too much. I was sent home to rehydrate and ordered to take Wednesday off. My fluid was back up 40% on Wednesday! Wahoo! No leak in my amniotic sac and I am still supposed to take it easy so I don't keep dilating. I have 5 weeks left.

I cheered in the New Year with friends and our whole family. It was such an awesome night. We did nothing but laugh, laugh, laugh...oh, and I ate, ate, ate. Our party consisted of Abby's new game Loaded Questions (such a fun one) and the infamous Apples to Apples. I have mention all the great food (which I tasted all of-over and over). We had wonderful potato soup, all kinds of dips and desserts. Dalen was wonderful and didn't go to sleep until after 10! That's super late for him and just minutes before 12 I looked over to find him stretching and waking up for all of the cheering and group hug. Within minutes he was full throttle all over the place.

Dalen waking just minutes before 12.
Me & Crystal
This is a picture of me that would be best forgotten but always remembered.
Please let me tell you how out of place I was as my skinny bean pole friends talked about
training for a marathon as I had to report in Loaded Questions that most painful body part
I had was my pelvis. Anyways, in case you were wondering here is what 200+ lbs. looks like.
The blond all the way on the end is Mrs. Madden who made all of the GREAT food. I am sure I will NOT be thanking her the next time I have to get on the scale at my appointment.

Dalen began puking everywhere at Ham. Place yesterday. After hours of him consistently puking we took him to the ER to get some nausea meds and to find out he either had the horrible bug going around or food poisoning. He is MUCH MUCH better this am and taking advantage of the doctor ordering him to down lots of popsicles to keep him hydrated. Don't worry they are sugar free.

2009 is full of great memories for me but also full of some that are best forgotten but will always be remembered. I think we can look at life and realize that is what makes life-a bunch of memories that aren't so significant now, but at one time completely rocked our world, which is why they are always remembered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for you in these last weeks. I miss Dalen. Thank you for sharing him on here. I always laugh. I can't wait to meet Cola.