Saturday, January 30, 2010

Even So Come Quickly Cola Leese

I so know this baby is coming quickly. Even though everything is scheduled for Wednesday, my body is still making all the proper adjustments to have this little girl. I can tell because I have become extremely irritable, constantly itching to be on the go, not sleeping even though I am exhausted and anti-company. I don't know why but with really big events in life, I life to keep a low profile and have a lot of spacious room. So, if you come knocking on my door, come bearing gifts or of course, food. Preferably, hors' dourves, it makes me feel not AS guilty to justify I have been "snacking" all day as opposed to eating full meals all day.

The whole snow situation hasn't helped my irritability any. There is NO escape from my extremely loud toddler, nothing to do at home and I become enraged when I realize how much we pay for cable to watch absolutely NOTHING! I actually prayed to go in labor last night JUST to have to go to the hospital so I could get out of the house. Yeah, some prayers just don't get answered. Dalen usually doesn't like the cold or snow but Mario took him out in it last night. He had a blast! He was dressed in four layers and could barely walk! I am not sure whether to be thankful I am pregnant and couldn't engage of their rough play or to be jealous I didn't get to slide down our elevated front yard on a plastic bin lid. I am convinced it wouldn't have held up after I sat on it anyway.
Here is Dalen staring on our Winter Wonderland.
Here is my husband yelling at me and lecturing me that it is totally fine to peg our 2 year old as hard as he wishes with snowballs. Yeah, I noticed it was fine when Dalen laughed hardest the harder he threw them.
Dalen got this coat for Christmas and it's a size 3T-4T but it was the only one that would fit over all of his layers! I love it. He looks like a little eskimo!
Dalen is supposed to have a birthday party with a girl in his class today. I don't know if we will be making that or not! Lord, I surely hope so. I have been walking through our house pacing thinking, "Honey someone shrunk our house or we are busting at the seems in this place!" If I don't get out of here soon I am going to need padded walls...literally.

Currently, Dalen is eating Oreo cookies for breakfast-it was either that or hearing him whine about wanting them. Give me some credit, I am picking and choosing my battles at this point people! Now I am just wondering how he is going to let out his sugar rush inside these 4 walls! YIKES!

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