Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Same Page??

There was always one thing my parents did perfectly. It drove me in sane at times but I have to give it to them, us girls never knew it if they weren't on the same page. They never criticized each other in front of us or challenged the authority of one another. This is something that is really difficult to put into play. Especially because we are new parents and it's hard to come to the same conclusion but we are trying.

Well, I thought we were. This story happened just hours ago and it's already something we are laughing at but trust me I was totally ticked when I first found out what happened. Lately we have been trying to train Dalen to play with a few of his larger toys in his room alone. So far, its been a challenge but I have to admit he is starting to do pretty good.

I noticed, while doing some things in the kitchen, that Mario got some paper towels and took them to Dalen's room. Instantly, I knew. I knew something was going on between those two but I figured if it involved paper towels then it involved cleaning so I didn't pressure for an explanation after asking once what they were for because I didn't want to feel obligated to clean anything else. (Yep, I am that lazy!)

Please keep in mind, I cooked, did the dishes, laundry, bathed Dalen and Mario put him in clean pajamas just about 30 minutes prior to this event. My butt was calling for the couch. Dalen was in his room for sometime and talking to himself and singing. Mario left to grab some Starbucks for us and I got that feeling, that feeling every mother knows intimately-it's your mother's intuition that can't be ignored. Literally, as soon as I got it, Dalen yelled from his room, "How do you spell my name?" Hmm, I thought, "Why would he need to know that??" Seconds later my dad called and I heard Dalen say, "You stay in there Mommy. Don't come to my room."

Then while I was on the phone there was a deafening silence. Oh yeah, this is it I thought. Something is totally going on back there. Mario got back and I heard him talking quietly to Dalen and in walked my child. He was covered in blue Expo marker. Then it all made sense. Mario had given him paper towels to erase the marker on his new white board he had gotten. He gave him the marker! GRRR!!!! That sneaky con!

As soon as we opened that gift we had an agreement that Dalen wasn't ever allowed to draw on the board without us present because white board markers stain so bad. But Mario just had to be Mr. Cool Guy. Needless to say, he got to scrub Dalen raw and get the marker off. I am just praising God it wasn't his bedding or walls!
Notice he is clutching to Daddy tonight.
Human Body Art

My sister said it matter how good of a dad you are, you will NEVER be a mom.

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