Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family Funnies

There's Dalen. Mouth wide open, talking 90 miles a minute. He was actually trying to convince me he didn't have to use the bathroom but I KNEW he did. I am not sure where we went wrong with potty training but he actually hates sitting on the potty anymore. He screams, kicks and sometimes cries. I guess I will have two kids in diapers. Well, one in Pull-Ups and one in diapers to be exact. Ugh! Maybe he will win the Regis and Kelly Cutest Baby Contest so we won't have to pay for them.

Anyways, I am not feeling any better today and I am ashamed to say I did absolutely NOTHING! I haven't even done an entire load of laundry. I picked Dalen up from school with Mario in a pajama top and black stretch pants-thankfully he isn't old enough to be embarrassed with how terrible I look these days. He still ran to me and laughed when he saw us at the door. Oh how times will change with age and reputation.

Dalen could count to 10 when he 1st started school, then he started skipping a few numbers and now he only counts to three. He is in trouble so much he counts, "one-two and a half-three!" He doesn't even say two! Lord help us. As if thats not bad enough he typically shouts, "time out!" right after he gets to three.

Mario has totally made Dalen John Mayer's newest fan by wearing out his newest album. Anyone know his newest song Half Of My Heart? For days now Dalen has been walking around saying, "Daddy, I've got a tit-ate-shun (situation)".

We are watching basketball on tv and Dalen saw one of the players with a tattoo on his arm and said, "Hey, Daddy! He got a stamp! Tool (cool)!" HAHAHA!

Tonight we also watched Wheel Of Fortune (yes, too much tv I know-stone me later-but I kind of classify it as an educational experience HA!) and Dalen shouted Vanna White as soon as she came out. Then he proceeded to look closely at Pat and say, "Aw, her Dad is so pitty (pretty)!" LOL! Oh, what would my world be without Dalen?

We just explained to Dalen he would not be watching Olivia The Pig because American Idol is coming on. Of course, he still hooked on the "Boob Boxer" and he proceeded to pull up his shirt, point to each nipple and explain, "I have a boob. But you not touch them!" Thank the Lord he has learned some parts are off limits!

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