Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family Funnies

Just to be safe the doctor told me on Tuesday I need to take the rest of the week off due to my contractions, dilating, fluid problem (which we think we have under control) and random contractions. To be honest, I have forgotten all that your day entails with a two year old in tow. I am so hoping after having this baby I get some energy.
Wednesday, Mario had to be at the church helping with things and I promise Dalen would NOT leave my side. He was all over me! I literally could barely breath. The most exciting thing I did was fold clothes on the couch with Dalen laying on top of me. He thought it was so fun to literally suffocate me. Here are a few pics of us "enjoying" the day.
Earlier that morning I found Dalen walking around with a whole jug of orange juice. He had gotten in the fridge all alone and gotten it out. I also heard him in there not long after that taking a lunchable out and getting it somewhat open. I found him eating it....for breakfast. Then later he was begging for "snowman tooties (cookies)". A few minutes later he came running in the living room with a mouth full of cookie dough. Wow, he's worse than me and I am 35 weeks pregnant! We finally realized he calls cookie dough snowman cookies because he thinks the Pillsbury dough boy is a snowman. HILARIOUS!
These are the latest pics of his most recent bubble bath at my parents. Yeah, he def. got that white Christmas! The tub was practically overflowing with bubbles. You can tell how fun he has in there.

We now have little lady's playpen and swing set-up in her room. That was NOT as easy as we thought it would be! While I cooked dinner on Tuesday I heard Dalen in and out of her room and Mario explaining a lot of things including not to touch ANYTHING. I let Dalen sit on the counter while I cooked and he played drums with spatulas. He began talking to me and said, "Mommy, no touch Tola's (Cola's) tib (crib). It was verrrryyyy pensive (expensive)." This kid cracks me up.