Monday, January 18, 2010

The Whole World

I never realized just how much attention this little guy has gotten from so many family and friends. He has been the center of our worlds for so long now. I think so much baby talk is really catching up with him.

How do you break it to a kid that you no longer have the whole world in your hands?? Being that Dalen was the 1st grandchild, 1st great grandchild, 1st nephew and child of ours he has never been in the shadows. But boy does he have a rude awakening coming shortly!

Every baby shower gift he has been able to get his hands on he has tried to squeeze his oversized body into. I was calling around about cribs this morning to see who had our crib in stock and he overheard me. He then began questioning, "Why do I need a new tib (crib)? What's wrong with my tib (crib)?" He has also regressed greatly in the field of potty training and I was so darn determined to NOT have two kids in diapers! UGH!

Of course I knew and know we will have a lot to work on and much transition will be hard on all of us but do kids just gradually realize they are no longer the axis that spins the earth? I am starting to get a little worried about how he will react to Little Lady.

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