Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Night Owl-Hear Me Hoot

Somehow, I am not sure how, when I stumbled into bed (after being asleep on the couch for sometime) I noticed Dalen's bushy fro was tickling the end of my nose. It's all still a blur, but I can't remember what landed him in bed with us. Needless to say, I have given up on trying to get any shut eye next to him. After about 21 punches to the headboard and him calling out, "Da, da, da" in his sleep he landed me in the living room, on the couch (which I am sure will have an eternal dent in it from me sleeping on it so much), wide awake. So night owls, hear me hoot.

For the last 45 minutes I have realized how un-cool I am. Flats make my feet sweat and I have to buy them in WIDE or they usually don't fit. I actually thought, when I 1st heard of skinny jeans, that they were jeans made to make you look thin, I QUICKLY learned otherwise. I can hardly ever stay up passed ten. I've only cried in one movie, Annie. I wasn't in a greek club. I can count how many friends I have on two hands, literally. I get extremely defensive when people talk about Dalen's hair and make fun of it and sometimes it even hurts my heart. I was 21 before I ever had a pedicure. I cry every time I have to have a pap smear, even after 2 pregnancies. I drive a 1995 Toyota Camry with small rust spots on the hood. If I feel like it, I call to check on my son at school. I never, EVER buy name brand stuff unless its red lined or from somewhere like TJ Maxx. I screen movies before I see them and end up finding some reason to not lower my standards by viewing what I have concluded as trash. These are just some random facts-just in case any of you thought I was cool-yeah, now you know, I am such a dork.

No, I am not delirious due to the hour, but I started thinking about this after watching Beth Moore's session from Passion 2010. (Oh, that's another thing that makes me super un-cool, I am not a big fan of Louie. I think he is quite long winded at times and I think he could make his simplistic and relevant points in a lot less time. Stone me later.) Anyways, I love Beth Moore! LOVE her! I was so thrilled she was given such an amazing opportunity to speak to so many young people. I just love her humor and passion when she speaks. She is so open and not afraid to admit her true feelings about things. I've done like three of her studies now and gosh, I just realize that even though I think she is SOOO beautiful, stylish, transparent and cool-it's obvious she begs to differ with some of the comments she makes.

I know that I have a similar calling to her. No, let me clarify, I am certain I will never pack out an area or write an organized study or ever have anything published at all, but I think I am called to share. That's it, just share. Sometimes sharing is the most difficult thing to do especially when you are dishing out servings of the inner most parts of your being. Those personal places that no one has ever been but God, those places are so hard to reveal. That's one thing I love about her-she can reveal some not so pretty details about her life and past and women all over the world feel as though they have been served from a silver platter.

How does she do that? How does she makes women feel so catered to by just sharing? How does she take those scary confessions & make women all over the world feel connected and special? Wow, that's a gift, something supernatural. But I know God is calling me to do more of that. He is calling me to share. Share life with others. That is not easy for me! I mean come on God, I am the lady who won't offer a God bless you to the sneezer at Wal-Mart in fear that, that person will end up talking too long and taking my precious time. I am awful I know but I am just not a naturally gifted people person. I try to be but it just doesn't come natural. Wouldn't it be so much easier for God to make me rich and ask me to give? Trust me, I know what it is to live without money and I am used to it so I don't think it would be as hard to give as it is to share myself.

But think about it, what is God calling you to do more of? What simple thing is he desiring to make divine for the spiritual well being of others?

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