Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Great Exchange.

I believe God still speaks to His people. His spirit is alive and His word more relevant than ever. I will confess there are certain areas of our life that are not very certain right now. They seem to be hazy and hard and though we pray and seek God, we haven't received that word or that certain direction we need for a time such as this. A million times I have prayed and wished this cup would pass from us or that God would wait to serve it on our table but for whatever reason, we drink up-now.

The gospel in a nutshell-God came to Earth from Heaven to be the ULTIMATE sacrifice. We often refer to life's sacrifice's and all they have cost us but if you really reflect upon God's word we find we have never made a true sacrifice, we have only made exchanges. Truthfully, we never give God anything without receiving it back in a glorified state. I realized this today. I mean, I really realized this, as I spent time with God and realized I had a great need to purge much in my heart and mind.

As I began to do this with much resistance and fear, I realized a great exchange had occurred. All of things I began to purge were now gloriously served back and when this occurred, it was only then did I see what these things had truly cost me. You see, as I began to purge feelings of rejection God wrapped his arms around me and in a supernatural way I felt his loving arms around me. Every bitter bone in my body received strength to forgive. Feelings of hatred were dissolved with the ability to love again. When God allows these supernatural occurrences to happen it is then and only then do we realize the cost of junk in our life.

I find myself tonight now bingeing on his blessings and the truth of Isaiah 61:3. That scripture became so real through personal experience that I have been saying all day, "So that's what that scripture is about?!" I know because it happened. Right in my living room God exchanged my trash and cashed it in for a treasure. I paid no penalty or interest, it was all covered by his grace. Thank God for grace, pray for mercy and allow a great exchange to take place in your life.

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